Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What I'm listening to

Hello everyone!

It's been awhile since I blogged... Christmas 2013 to be exact...ha... But I recently got inspired by a friend to start blogging again, and I'm going to try my best. Today's topic: (drum roll......) MUSIC! Random right? I just wanted to keep it simple today and share with you all some of the music I've been listening to lately. It has all been encouraging and has had a positive influence on my life and who knows, if anyone reads this, it might do the same for you.

One album that I really like and workout to it all the time is Social Club Misfits 2.

If you like rap, hip-hop, and even some acoustic songs, this is a good album. The cover might look crazy but I promise it is worth a listen. (I think the puppy is cute anyway). 

The second album that I've recently bought and LOVE is Mali Is... by Mali Music.

This album is fire to me. If you like reggae music with cool beats and a positive message, you'll love this too. ("One" is my JAM!)

Why post about music out of all things? Well, I don't think we all realize how much music really effects us. What you are feeding your mind and soul is so important. It's crazy how we can not hear a song for years and a throwback comes on the radio and we know every single word, like if we listen to it everyday. That's power. It's crazy how music can be attached to certain memories we have. We can be listening to a song and all these memories flash through our minds. That's power. Music has now become the way our generation communicates. "babe, listen to this song, this is how I feel right now..." *que Adele. What happened to good ol fashioned talking? lol.

Another reason why music is important is because the music we listen to determines who we serve. That might sounds like a bold statement, and it is, but if you're not feeding your mind and body good, then, by default, you have to be feeding it "bad." What is considered "good" or "bad" now-a-days? I use the verse from Philippians 4:8 to decipher a lot of these things now.

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8 NLT

You can use this verse with almost anything, but in this case we will use music. If you are trying to see if a certain song is going to affect you in a positive or negative way, listen to it and ask yourself these questions: Is it true? Is it honorable? Is is right and pure? Is it lovely and admirable? Is it excellent? Is it worthy of praise? (You have to be honest with yourself here). This is just one technique that works for me, others might do something different.

Yes, the two artist that I mentioned earlier are "Christian" and do talk about God in their songs, but this isn't to say that you shouldn't listen to other artists/songs who aren't necessarily  "Christian" artists, I'm just saying to have good judgement. I used to be really legalistic and religious about music and I learned that there are equally talented artist out there who put out great and positive music, it all really comes down to what you put in, is what you get out.

If you like any of the music I posted, let me know and I can show you more positive music.

*Some of the things I mentioned in this blog are from a sermon I watched called "The Power of Music." I suggest watching it, it was deep and great! Click here if you want to watch it.

Have a great week!

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